Thursday, March 11, 2010

Channel IX: Excellence of the Week; Retro Game Challenge

Welcome to Channel IX's Excellence of the Week! This week, the excellence is:
For the Nintendo DS!

So, yeah, if you haven't guessed it yet, I'm kinda into obscurities. Not to say that Yakuza is far and wide unknown, but it isn't name that all gamers know. This game is another such case. This is no demo though, this is the full-blown real deal. This is Retro Game Challenge!!!

Retro Game Challenge or as its called in Japan, GAME CENTER CX, is based of the popular Japanese show called, surprise of surprises, GAME CENTER CX!!! The show features Japanese comedian Arino as he plays his way through some of the toughest retro games around. I haven't seen the show, but I have heard its really good. The game works off essentially the concept, compiling a bunch of 8bit games and having you work through set challenges to move forward, with one exception; none of these games are actually retro. They are all 8bit games, but none of them are actually from the 80's. Said games were actually made specifically for this. Amongst them are a racer, a platformer, even a full fledged RPG! And that's only part of it. There are in game manuals for each game, along with magazines chock full of tips and cheat codes! It really is a sight to behold.

Well, first off, get a DS if you don't already have one (If you don't, then shame on you) and go out and buy it, it'll probably only run you $2o at max.

In terms of offline shopping, its moderately difficult. Its not too well known but it is out there.

Retro Game Challenge:
EXCELLENCE PRICE: $15-$20 (Used)
EXCELLENCE RARITY: Sneaky! (Average) 3/5
(Note: All purchase info is for offline purchases)

So, that is it for this weeks EXCELLENCE!!! Buy Retro Game Challenge, and maybe we'll get the second game localized!!!
See you next time,
Next Week: Shin Megami Tensei Imagine

Monday, February 22, 2010

Channel IX: Excellence of the Week

Welcome to Channel IX's Excellence of the Week!

[EDIT] Yakuza is not on the 360. Neither is the demo. I was wrong.

Welcome to this week's Excellence of the Week where I talk about something really excellent that I happen to have. This week's Excellence is the Yakuza 3 Demo, available for free on and PSN.

Why is it?
First of all, its the demo of third iteration of one of my personal favorite series, Yakuza. You once again return to Kamurocho in the shoes of Japanese badass Kazuma Kiryu as he beats down all those who threaten his friends and his allies. Second of all, its probably one of the best Modern day, open world, Yakuza styled, japanese beat-em-up ever.

Why is it Excellent?
First, it has fast, brutal combat. This is one of the few games where I actively seek out enemies to beat down. This is the best its felt all series, which is saying something.
Second, it has minigames that don't suck! Seriously! Karaoke is actually a lot of fun, and the arcade games are also really cool. The claw game is UN-GODLY addictive.
Third, the details. This entire demo is good as a whole, but that can't attributed strictly to the combat. A lot of little new things like the lower to the ground camera, the people chatting, and my favorite, the Revelations system, which is both hilarious and useful.

Just how Excellent is it?!
In terms of Excellence, its within the ROCK AWESOME (4/5) echelon. Its really good on all counts, but is really too short for my blood. Either way, get this its free and awesome!

Goodnight! Nine, Out!